
Creation of Paul Joza is extremely close to me in the way how it is distinctive. Paul operates independently of the current trends and his painting is guided by his inner world and a passion for color. Images are formed without prior preparation with individual spontaneity. They are colored manifesto of a fantasy world where . Paul's work is inspired by the natural growth and proliferation and forms are plastic composition of abstract colored shapes.

Upon a cursory look at the author's work you perceive dynamic and eddy structures of expressive colors and color combination.

To truly understand the artist's work it would require focused attention.

This is a piece of furniture from the 17th century, which is the supreme example of the work of Venetian masters. It was a gift of the Doge of Venice to the Olomouc bishop. Venice was at that time the commercial center of Europe and had extensive contacts with the Orient therefore at the furniture, with the origin of Central European, you will discover a wide range of oriental elements. Even the age of the furniture reflects its uniqueness. It was made from the massive ebony and decorated with inlay, which is similar to marquetry, but from ivory. Ivory was subsequently engraved and filled in by black shellac. All the furniture was finally polished by shellac varnish. It is an amazing work.

Pavel Piekar represents a generation that pushed for a renaissance of the Czech linocut from the early nineties to the present days. His graphics are stylish and technically demanding. He realistically depictions the reality which he subsequently transfers to techniques of color linocut. His graphics arises from precision drawings, from which each plate is copied for the next trap. According to the difficulty of the subject, the number of individual plates ranges from 5 to 50 colors. His prints are copyright and of small cost.

Výstava Josef Fiala

Opening of the exhibition of the painter and landscape painter was launched November 12, 2014 by PhDr. Michael Zachař, a major connoisseur of art. The exhibition presents the most important artworks from the private collection of about 120 works collected by his great-grandson David Fiala. On Saturday, January 3, 2015 a guided tour with a participation of Czech Radio was provided. Mr. Václav Žmolík has chosen this exhibition for his reportage for the show “Trips with two”. Thank you very much.

Výstava Pavel Brázda & Michal Singer

Selling exhibition of famous painter Pavel Brázda and the one of the most outstanding artists of our time, Michael Singer at the House of Art in Horni Pocernice. Vernissage took place on October 1 from 6 p.m. The exhibition opened recognized collector and connoisseur of the arts, Mr. Patrik Šimon and the Mayor of Prague 20 Hana Moravcová.

Výstava Raimund Ondráček

Another important exhibition in the House of Art was the exhibition of the famous painter and restorer Raimund Ondráček. Last year we commemorated of nearly one hundred years since his birth. We started to prepare the cross-section of his life's work and in cooperation with his family, we prepared an exhibition of his artworks. The proceeds from the sales were donated to the Endowment Fund House of Arts.

Výstava čtyř základních uměleckých škol

The first project of the Foundation is Interurban show of four basic schools of art called the Four seasons.


The project called Four seasons will be implemented in the period from 30.1. to 24.02.2013 in the exhibition hall of the House of Arts in Špejchar at Chvalská tvrz 858/8, Prague 9.


Cíl projektu

Cílem projektu je podpora výtvarného vzdělávání dětí ze základních uměleckých škol v Horních Počernicích, Jablonci nad Jizerou, Říčanech u Prahy a Teplicích.
Chceme děti motivovat možností vystavit své práce a předvést je veřejnosti. Téma čtyř ročních období je výtvarně kreativní a souvisí s počtem zúčastněných škol. Cílem je též porovnat výtvarné vnímání žáků jednotlivých ZUŠ v daných regionech a podpora zdravé soutěživosti.

Výstava - Michal Tomek

Michal Tomek in his work elaborates on themes that have multiple meanings and layers. In his paintings appear archetypal figures such as pilgrim, puppeteer, tightrope walker, Trojan horse, waiting Minotaur or dog torn off the chain. Surreal landscapes are full of labyrinths, gates, abandoned bunkers. Those are landscapes, which are intertwined with the human body. Michal Tomek expresses perfectly executed classic painting technique; complex philosophical, religious, mythological and psychological themes in his paintings, watercolors, drawings and graphics becomes a mirror of the presence.